Course curriculum

    1. (Lecture) Module 1

    2. Story Time: A Case Study

    3. Story Time: A Case Study Pt. 2

    4. What is Serotonin Syndrome?

    5. Prevalence of Serotonin Syndrome

    1. (Lecture) Module 2

    2. Taking Antidepressants While Pregnant or Breastfeeding

    3. Taking Supplements While Pregnant or Breastfeeding

    4. Crash Course: Understanding Medication Transfer Through the Placenta

    5. Pros and Cons of Using Antidepressants During Pregnancy or While Breastfeeding

    6. How do SSRIs Affect the Baby and Possibly Cause Serotonin Syndrome?

    7. Collaborating with the Healthcare Team: Coordinating Care for Pregnant Patients on SSRIs

    8. Quick Survey:

    1. (Lecture) Module 3

    2. Crash Course: How Serotonin Works in the Brain

    3. Signs of Serotonin Syndrome in Infants

    4. The Hunter Criteria

    5. What is Clonus?

    6. What To Do: Supporting Patients with Concerns About Clonus and Serotonin Syndrome

    7. SSRI Withdrawal Symptoms in Moms: What Healthcare Providers Need to Know

    8. Medication Half-Lives and Discontinuation: Why It Matters for Serotonin Syndrome

    1. (Lecture) Module 4

    2. What is Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)?

    3. Key Differences and Overlapping Symptoms

    4. Withdrawal vs. Toxicity

    5. Treating Serotonin Syndrome and NAS

    6. Prevalence, Symptoms, and Severity of NAS from SSRI Exposure

    7. Mechanism and Risk Factors of NAS from SSRI Exposure

    8. SSRIs Commonly Linked to NAS and its Long-Term Effects

    9. Management of NAS in Newborns

    10. Clinical Considerations for SSRI Use in Pregnancy

    11. Key Aspects to Keep in Mind

    12. Crash Course: Clearing Up the Confusion: Serotonin Syndrome vs Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

    1. (Lecture) Debunking Myths

    2. Risk of Major Birth Defects

    3. Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

    4. Miscarriage Risk

    5. Cognitive and Behavioral Problems in Children

    6. Preterm Birth

About this course

  • $60.00
  • 53 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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